Hello there! A little random blog post as I wanted to rant off about how much I want it to be summer, and this is not necessarily for the heat but just for the freedom that I get. My GCSE exams start in about 2 weeks (in fact, I actually have an art GCSE tomorrow eek) and my ones end on the 12th June with everyone's exams officially ending on the 15th (in my school) and then after that, I have up until the beginning of September to be completely free. And I already have a bunch of stuff planned :) Here is a list of a few things that I either really want to do this summer, or am already definitely doing and am super excited for...
1) Prom! My school's prom is actually on the 16th June (the day after everybody's exams officially finishes) and everything is almost sorted which makes me super happy. I've got my dress and shoes and pre-prom plans sorted, we're now sorting out cars and after-prom plans yayaya.
2) Holiday! Me and my family go on a hot holiday (this year it's Tenerife) every year, and even though my sister won't be there this time (she's in France oo la la) I was allowed to invite one of my bestest friends and we are so excited to spend a whole week in a hot place, just chilling by the pool and eating delicious food.
3) Theme Parks! Definitely want to go to some theme/ amusement parks this year with a bunch of my friends, especially as they're not that hard to get to. We've already started planning a trip to Chesington World of Adventures and Thorpe Park.
4) A Few Days In London! For someone who has such an easy and shortish way of getting to London, I really don't go there enough. I really would love to go for a couple of days this summer, near the beginning when it's super hot and go shopping and have a picnic in Hyde Park and go sight-seeing and be all touristy and stuff.
5) NCS: The Challenge! I'm going to do the challenge this year which I am so excited for. I probably can't explain it very well so I'll leave the link for their website here and check it out if you think it looks interesting. It's basically a 3 week type course thing where you do fun activities and learn new skills and raise money for charities while being away from home and making new friends. I decided to sign up as it looks like a really fun thing to do over summer and I am super excited to meet lots of new people.
Those are just 5 of my main things that I want to do this summer, but trust me when I say there are many more things that I will hopefully be able to do, but don't worry, I will be spending a large portion of my time just watching movies, TV, reading books and relaxing (and of course blogging ;)). Thinking and writing about summer has just got me so pumped to get through my exams, because when I come out the other side, I have some amazing things that I'll be able to do.
Love Imi xx
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